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Irina Mashinski //
//Ирина Машинская

Prose. Essays. Hybrid
And I Thought of Scott. [I ia podumala o Scotte]. In Russian. Moscow: Steklograf, 2025
Die nackte Welt. [The Naked World]. In German. Tr. by Maria Meinel. Nettetal: Elif verlag, 2024.
The Naked Word. A Tale with Verse. Ashville: MadHat Press, 2022.
Poetry collections
Delaware [Delaver]. In Russian. Moscow: Book Review (ARGO-RISK), 2017.
Ophelia and the Trowel [Ofelia I masterok]. In Russian. New York: Ailuros Publishing, 2013.
Wolf [Volk]. Selected poems. In Russian. Moscow: NLO, 2009.
The Wayfarer Is Dreaming That [Putniku Snitsia]. In Russian. Moscow: Project O.G.I.: 2004.
Poems [Stikhotvorenia]. In Russian. Moscow: Classics of the 21st Century Publishing House, 2001.
Simpler Times [Prostye Vremena]. In Russian. Tenafly: The Hermitage Publishers, 2000.
After the Epigraph. [Posle Epigrafa]. In Russian. Slovo/Word: NYC, 1996.
Translator. Editor
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