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Light and Shadow


Prose. Essays. Hybrid

And I Thought of Scott. [I ia podumala o Scotte]. In Russian. Moscow: Steklograf, 2025

Die nackte Welt. [The Naked World]. In German. Tr. by Maria Meinel. Nettetal: Elif verlag, 2024.


Book of Reflections. [Kniga otrazhenii]. In Russian. Ekaterinburg: Armchair Scientist/InVersia, 2021.

The Naked Word. A Tale with Verse. Ashville: MadHat Press, 2022.

Poetry collections

Giornata. Poems Translated into English by Maria Bloshteyn and Boris Dralyuk. Somerville: Červená Barva Press, 2022. 

Delaware [Delaver]. In Russian. Moscow: Book Review (ARGO-RISK), 2017.


Ophelia and the Trowel [Ofelia I masterok]. In Russian.  New York: Ailuros Publishing, 2013.


Wolf  [Volk]. Selected poems. In Russian.  Moscow: NLO, 2009.


Raznichinets First Snow and Other Poems [Raznochinets pervyi sneg I drugie stikhotvorenia]. In Russian. New York: StoSvet Press, 2009.


The Wayfarer Is Dreaming That [Putniku Snitsia]. In Russian.  Moscow: Project O.G.I.: 2004.


Poems [Stikhotvorenia]. In Russian. Moscow: Classics of the 21st Century Publishing House, 2001.

Simpler Times [Prostye Vremena]. In Russian.  Tenafly: The Hermitage Publishers, 2000.


After the Epigraph. [Posle Epigrafa]. In Russian. Slovo/Word: NYC, 1996. 


Because We Are Here. [Potomu Chto My Zdes', poems, in English and Russian] New York: Lunar Offensive Press, 1995.




Translator. Editor


Penguin Book of Russian Poetry, Edited by Robert Chandler, Boris Dralyuk, and Irina Mashinski. London: Penguin Classics, 2015.


Lev Ozerov. Portraits without Frames. Translated by Maria Bloshteyn, Robert Chandler, Boris Dralyuk, and Irina Mashinski. New York: NYRB Classics, 2018.

Craig Czury. Parallel Rivertime. In English and in Russian. Translated into Russian by Irina Mashinski. PETROPOL', St.Petersburg, Russia, 1999.


Cardinal Points. The annual literary journal.  Edited by Boris Dralyuk, Irina Mashinski, and Robert Chandler. // Stosvet Literary Project. Editor-in-Chief

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